Monday, October 20, 2014

space consciousness digital - 2014

Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way. With yoga, we become aware of how and where we are restricted in body, mind, and heart and how gradually to open and release these blockages. As these blockages are cleared, our energy is freed. We start to feel more harmonious, more at one with ourselves. Our lives begin to flow -- or we begin to flow more in our lives. (Cybele Tomlinson)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Joy of Teaching digital - 2013

There is nothing better that you can give to a person than to be present with them. When you are fully present, you become love, and you share that becoming with others. (Kuan Yin)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

From my Facebook Page Conscious Expanding Art Pieces where I post mostly Artworks I like from friends and Artists I follow: